Earth Week Renewable Energy Scavenger Hunt

Home » Earth Week Renewable Energy Scavenger Hunt

Earth Week is April 19-25. The AEA is partnering with Ecology North to offer a renewable energy scavenger hunt. Find as many renewable energy systems as you can in the Yellowknife area and you could win prizes!

Form a team and share the work. There’s also a category for school classes. For rules and info for classes, download the PDF package below.

When participating in the scavenger hunt, be sure to use all proper Covid-19 safety protocols, including physical distancing and wearing a mask, as necessary.

Info and rules for teams

The goal

Teams must find as many renewable energy systems as possible in the Yellowknife area. Each team must find a minimum number of systems in each of four categories: solar electricity, pellet furnaces and boilers, pellet stoves and wood stoves, and other systems.

Each team that finds the minimum number of systems as defined in the scavenger hunt rules will be entered into a draw. The team that finds the most systems will win a bonus prize.

The prizes

Prize draw: The winner of the prize draw will receive one City of Yellowknife gift card ($65 value each) per team member, up to a maximum of eight cards. Use these cards to make the most of your body’s own renewable energy and take part in recreation activities around Yellowknife, such as at the pool or the Fieldhouse.

Bonus prize: The team that finds the most renewable energy systems will receive a prize of Copperhouse Restaurant gift certificate per household ($100 value each), up to a maximum of eight gift certificates.

The rules

  1. Contest period and deadline: The scavenger hunt runs from noon on Monday, April 19 until 1:00 p.m. on Monday, April 26. All entry forms must be submitted before the deadline.
  1. Submitting entry forms: Teams can submit their completed entry forms in the following ways:
    1. Online, using the entry form below
    2. In person at the Arctic Energy Alliance office (5102 51st Street)
    3. By email (kevin.cull[at]

A team’s submitted entries must be combined onto a single form.

  1. Teams: A team can be made up one (1) to eight (8) people (no more than eight). A person cannot be a member of more than one team.
  1. Scavenger hunt area: The contest is open to all NWT residents, but only renewable energy systems located in Yellowknife city limits (including Ndilo), in Dettah or along the Ingraham Trail will be counted.
  1. Prize draw criteria: To be eligible for the prize draw, a team must identify on the entry form at least the minimum number of renewable energy systems from each of the following categories:
    1. Solar electricity – minimum five (5) systems
    2. Pellet boilers and furnaces – minimum five (5) systems
    3. Pellet stoves and wood stoves – minimum fifteen (15) systems
    4. Other renewable energy systems (such as solar hot water, solar air heating or wind turbine systems) – minimum two (2) systems

The winner will be selected at random from among all eligible entries.

  1. Bonus prize criteria: The team that lists the most renewable energy systems on the entry form will win the bonus prize. To be eligible for the bonus prize, a team must also be eligible for the prize draw (in other words, they must have found the minimum number of systems from each category).
  1. Verification of entries: To allow the Arctic Energy Alliance to verify the accuracy of the entry forms, be sure to note the following for each renewable energy system listed on your team’s form:
    1. The address or location of the system
    2. The colour of the building the system is attached to

For the “other” category, also note the type of system (such as solar hot water, solar air heating or wind turbine).

  1. Draw date: The draw will take place at the Arctic Energy Alliance office on Friday, April 29. Winners will be notified directly and announced on the AEA’s Facebook page.

Other things to know

Information packages: The Arctic Energy Alliance has produced information packages to help teams learn more about renewable energy systems and to know what to look for. It can help answer questions like, “What does a pellet boiler look like?” Teams can pick up an info package in person at the Arctic Energy Alliance office (5102 51st Street) or online (enter URL).

Active transportation:   It’s Earth Week! Please avoid driving around to find your renewable energy systems. Teams are encouraged to reduce their carbon footprints by walking, cycling, skiing or using other forms of active transportation to explore the Yellowknife area, have fun and enjoy the scavenger hunt.

Good luck!

Team entry webform

Max. 8 people

Team members

Enter the names for all team members. Also enter contact info for at least one person (we need a way to contact you if you win).

Renewable energy systems

Minimum 5 systems
Minimum 5 systems
Minimum 15 systems
Minimum 2 systems. Don’t forget to enter the type of system for each entry.

PDF entry form upload – for teams and classes


Renewable energy scavenger hunt info package

Renewable energy scavenger hunt rules and entry form – for teams

Renewable energy scavenger hunt rules and entry form – for classes