Remote Facilities

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Running a remote exploration or tourism camp is expensive; and it’s not getting any cheaper. Flying or barging in fuel is risky, time consuming and costly. You think your camp can only run on diesel generators because of your remote location; and, you probably accept high operating costs and government oversight as a cost of doing business. It doesn’t have to be that way, and the Arctic Energy Alliance can help.

The easiest way to save money is to implement simple efficiency measures to reduce your energy load. Once this load has been reduced, you can burn less diesel by making sure your generator is correctly sized and properly controlled. If you want to save even more money, consider a well-designed and well-engineered energy efficiency program – it can make a big difference to your energy use, reduce diesel imports, reduce costs, and minimize environmental oversight. We will work with you to get the optimum energy mix using a combination of hybrid-systems (renewable/variable speed diesel generator) rather than a stand-alone, constant speed diesel generator. In fact, the Arctic Energy Alliance specializes in the deployment of energy efficiency and renewable energy in the coldest, darkest and most remote places on the North American continent.

The Arctic Energy Alliance’s engineering team has prepared a guide that outlines the best practices available for outfitting remote facilities which produce their own energy on-site. So, if you are running a small to medium sized remote facility (lodges, exploration camps, and traditional camps with up to 50 people on site at one time), the Arctic Energy Alliance can help you use energy as efficiently as possible. Call the Arctic Energy Alliance at 867-920-3333 and we will help you:

• Measure your operational energy consumption.
• Improve your energy performance and efficiency in operations.
• Adopt and incorporate the use of alternative fuels.
• Incorporate energy considerations into requirements and acquisition.
• Adapt and save money.

Other Resources

Best Energy Practices for Remote Facilities