2020/21 Annual Report

Check out our latest annual report to see what the AEA has been up to over the past year. Here are some of the highlights:

  • We provided 2,694 total rebates and other incentives, worth nearly $2 million. That’s over 1,000 more rebates than the previous year.
  • The clients we worked with will annually save:
    • 1,300 tonnes of greenhouse gases—equivalent to converting power generation for the community of Lutsel K’e entirely to renewable electricity
    • 8,100 GJ worth of oil and propane—equivalent to more than six tanker trucks full of heating oil
    • 1,900 MWh of electricity—equivalent to taking the community of Ulukhaktok completely off the grid
    • $820,000
  • We started a new program to provide rebates on electric vehicles and charging stations in communities that use hydroelectricity.
  • We worked with six partner communities to get 92 efficient wood stoves installed in residents’ homes, and had 30 additional stoves delivered in four communities to be installed in 2021/22.
  • We gave out roughly 958 rebates for LED lighting alone—up 67% over the previous year.

Download the full report below:

2020-21 AEA Annual Report