New pilot project: rebates for newly constructed buildings (for businesses)

We’ve launched a new pilot project to help businesses save energy and money in newly constructed buildings. If your building meets strict energy-efficiency criteria, we can give you a rebate of up to $50,000 to help offset the cost of those energy efficiency measures. We can also provide free advice to help you reach your energy-saving targets.

An energy efficient building will save you money in the long run. It will also produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions.

There are two ways to work toward receiving a rebate:

  1. Follow the prescriptive path in sections 3.1 to 3.7 of our Guide for New Energy Efficient Buildings. You must meet or exceed the items listed in the “Good” columns of the tables. This includes your building envelope, heating system, ventilation, air conditioning, water heating, electrical equipment, and water efficiency.
  2. Use energy modelling to come up with a customized way to save energy. Your building must meet an energy-consumption performance target of at least 25% better than that of a building meeting the requirements of the National Energy Code for Buildings 2017, as outlined in section 3.9 of our Guide for New Energy Efficient Buildings.

Construction must be completed between Jul. 1, 2021 and Feb. 28, 2024.

Only businesses are eligible for this pilot project for now. However, community governments and non-profit organizations are still eligible for other rebate programs, including rebates for building improvements, energy-efficient equipment and renewable energy.

For complete project guidelines and application forms, see our page on rebates for building improvements.

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