In 2015 and 2016, the Arctic Energy Alliance tested a Chevrolet Volt Electric vehicle (EV). The battery pack was lithium ion with a capacity of 17.1 kWh. The electric motor was 111kW (149 horsepower). The gas generator was a 4 cylinder engine, had a displacement of 1.4L and produced 83 horsepower. Below is a final report of how the Volt performed.
Explanation of Terms Used in the Report
Distance: This section shows the total distance driven during the month as well as the breakdown of what percentage was driven with electricity and what was driven with gas.
Driving Energy: Is a summary of the total electricity and fuel consumption. The fuel efficiency is shown as equivalent litres per hundred kilometers (L/100kmeq), and is calculated by taking the electrical energy consumed and finding its energy equivalent amount of fuel.
Time: This graph shows the amount of time the vehicle has spent driving, idling, charging and resting.
Charging Energy: The volt can be charged by either plugging into a regular household outlet or with an electric vehicle charging station (a specially designed, 240V outlet). The higher voltage outlet can charge the vehicle in a shorter time. SOC stands for “State of Charge”, the percentages show the average battery levels at the start and end of the day.
GHG Emissions: Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are a combination of the emissions from the tailpipe as well as from the production of the electricity. The GHG from electricity is quite low in a community powered by hydroelectricity. The intensity allows the emissions to be comparable to other cars.