Northerners Taking Action: Highlights

Here are a few of the organizations across the NWT that have completed major energy-efficiency and renewable-energy projects recently.

Nahanni Inn

The Nahanni Inn is the latest business in Fort Simpson to adopt a wood pellet heating system. They added two pellet boilers, which are expected to provide virtually all of the heat the inn will need and offset almost all of their heating oil. The boilers are also expected to reduce the inn’s greenhouse gas emissions by 167 tonnes a year.

In addition to the boilers, the Nahanni Inn also upgraded the pumps for the heating system to more efficient models that use electronically commutated motors—or ECMs. ECM pumps save energy by using brushless DC motors and computer technology that can vary pressure and flow rate.

The combination of new boilers and pumps meant the inn was able to receive rebates from two of our programs: one for renewable energy and the other for energy efficiency in commercial buildings.

Salvation Army

The Salvation Army in Yellowknife recently received funding for an extensive LED light retrofit through our program for non-profit organizations. The new LED lights are expected to save nearly $19,000 a year. The AEA has energy experts and money available to help non-profits conserve energy and improve their energy efficiency. If your organization is interested in saving money by reducing the amount of heating fuel, electricity and water used, or if you want to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions, this program is for you. Congratulations to the Yellowknife Salvation Army and enjoy your energy savings.

Copperhouse Restaurant

The Copperhouse restaurant in Yellowknife recently completed a major energy-efficiency renovation. They replaced their oil-fired boiler with a high-efficiency propane model, swapped several circulator pumps with pumps using ECMs, and even changed their extensive ventilation system—serving both the kitchen and dining area—to use fans with variable frequency drives (or VFDs). Like an ECM-based pump, a VFD fan can vary its speed to meet the demand, saving energy in the process.

The upgrades are expected to save a significant amount of heating fuel, electricity and greenhouse gases.

Hamlet of Tulita

In March, the Hamlet of Tulita had the lighting in seven of its buildings converted to LEDs under our LED Fast-track Project. Not only will the new lights lower operational costs and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but staff and residents have even told us they prefer the way they look.

Under our LED Fast-track Project, the AEA handled project coordination and provided rebates for organizations that wanted to convert their lighting. The project has now wrapped up, but we will be launching a similar one late this year for circulator pumps that use ECMs.