Virtual event
The Arctic Energy Alliance is a leader in fighting climate change in the North. Together with communities and businesses we are working to accelerate the use of biomass and help communities realize a clean energy future. In the last few years, increased energy prices and concern around the world about climate change have made energy a top priority for everyone.
Every year, the AEA helps northerners learn more about biomass heating technologies and how to maximize their use. At our last Biomass Week event, more than 30 presenters covered a broad cross-section of topics in 29 sessions for more than 200 participants.
This year, in partnership with the Wood Pellet Association of Canada, the event will cover important issues that affect every northerner: from homeowners to developers to industrial operators to producers. Mark your calendar for January 27 to 31, 2025 to learn how wood biomass is transforming the energy sector in the North.
There will be a virtual session each morning.
Don’t miss this opportunity to be a part of Biomass Week as we move toward a greener future that foresees more and more use of biomass as a renewable energy that is both affordable and efficient.
Stay tuned for the agenda and updates!
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